Narratives of Identity: Spirituality in the Modern World

Narratives of Identity: Spirituality in the Modern World explores the spiritual identity of people from different spiritual, religious, and faith groups across Canada.

This site contains information about particular groups, contact information, and locations in Canada.  It also hosts podcasts, maps, and other resources such as publications.  The project is ongoing and this website is updated regularly.

Interested in participating? We are currently seeking participants for three projects:

  • Pentecostal/charismatic/evangelical churches and groups in New Brunswick;
  • Ascended Master and related religions: Theosophy, Anthroposophy, I AM Movement, Saint Germain Foundation, Lucis Trust, Rosicrucianism, and others; and
  • Gnostic and esoteric groups such as The Fourth Way.

Check out our Information for Participants page.

As the project progresses we will be exploring other faiths and spiritualities.  If you want more information about upcoming projects, please contact Dr. Clive Baldwin: or +1 506 452 9596